On November 7, the "Pioneer Readings" of the Russian Pioneer magazine, devoted to the theme "Revolution", took place on the stage of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater. A collection of jewelry miniatures by Mikhail Shemyakin, created along with the Jewelry House SASONKO was presented to The guests of the event.

"Pioneer Readings" always become a bright event of Moscow's secular and intellectual life. After all, this is an opportunity to meet old acquaintances, and to learn the latest news, and, of course, to listen to sharp, topical texts performed by the authors themselves. In 1917, especially in November, it didn't take long to create the topic of the readings, it inevitably became the "Revolution". Columnists of the magazine tried to study it in details, to understand what it really was for our country. Such a burning topic gathered a record number of guests at the Sovremennik Theater in Moscow - there was no room to turn in. By the way, the Sovremennik Theater was chosen not by accident - this theater in its time became one of the symbols of the revolutionary "thaw". On November 7, 2017, Olga Anichkova, Pavel Astakhov, Darya Belousova, Dmitriy Bukov, Viktor Erofeev, Alexander Zhurbin, Andrei Makarevich, Alena Sviridova, Dmitry Solopov and others read their revolutionary texts here. Before the event, the columnists of the magazine, as well as guests of the readings, with great interest, got familiarized with jewelry miniatures by Mikhail Shemyakin, created by an outstanding Russian artist and sculptor along with the SASONKO jewelry house.